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AKC Titles & What They mean

The Basics...

​We show our dogs at licensed AKC shows in CONFORMATION. Conformation Dog Shows assess the quality & breed type (how closely each dog "looks" like it is supposed to for it's breed). These characteristics are just as important as a dog's lineage when it comes to being 'purebred".

At these shows, trained/licensed AKC judges "evaluate" our dogs against a written AKC standard and against the other dogs in the ring. The "standard" is a "blueprint" for the breed - how it should look, act and move. You can find the AKC chihuahua standard HERE

Our dogs "earn" various titles when we go to dog shows...below are some explanations of what the titles you'll see around our website mean.

There are some GREAT video explanations at the bottom of the page, as well!

CH = AKC Champion of Record. 

If a dog is an AKC Champion of Record it means that he/she attained a total of 15 championship points including two 'major' wins under at least 2 different judges at licensed AKC dog shows, A 'major' win is one where a dog defeats a set number of other dogs of their same sex at one time.


GCH= AKC Grand Champion of Record. 

If a dog is an AKC Grand Champion of Record it means that he/she attained 25 additional points at AKC Dog Shows AFTER becoming a CH. Grand Champion titles require 3 major wins under 3 different judges as well as the defeat of champions at at least 3 different shows.

There are additional levels of the Grand Champion title - Bronze (100 Grand Champion points), Silver (200 Grand Champion points), Gold (400 Grand Champion points) & Platinum (800 Grand Champion points). These will be designated by a B, S, G or P at the end of GCH... so, GCHS would = Grand Champion Silver.

BISS = Best In Specialty Show Winner

The designation of BISS indicates that that particular chihuahua has won a "specialty" show. A specialty show is one which generally has a larger entry and judges trained more specifically in understanding that given breed.  This is a fairly prestigious designation and only a few chihuahuas will attain it.


MBISS = Multiple Best In Specialty Show Winner

A chihuahua that has won MULTIPLE Specialty shows.


NBISS = National Specialty Best In Show Winner

This indicates this chihuahua won a National Specialty. Arguably this is the most coveted title any chihuahua can receive.


BIS = AKC Best In Show Winner

If a chihuahua is designated as an all breed Best In Show Winner it means he/she has won BEST IN SHOW over every other dog at the dog show including all of the other groups. Very few chihuahuas will ever win an AKC Best In Show.


MBIS = AKC Multiple Best In Show Winner

A chihuahua who has won multiple AKC All - Breed Best In Shows.


RBIS = AKC Reserve Best In Show Winner

A chihuahua who wins "Reserve Best In Show" basically was the 2nd runner up for Best in Show on that given day.


MRBIS = Multiple AKC Reserve Best In Show Winner

A chihuahua with multiple Reserve Best In Show wins.


Group Placing / Multiple Group Placing

A chihuahua who has placed in "GROUP" competition against all of the other toy breed dogs.


A Beginner's Guide To Dog Shows

Click the bell to learn more!

Video Explanations

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